Personalizzazione Germilapiz laser (10 pezzi)

What is Germilapiz?
A plantable pencil that grows a plant after reaching its life cycle.
Watch full videoHow it works?
1. When its lifecycle reaches its end, it’s time to sow it.
2. Select a ploy where to nail it at 45º.
3. Water, sun and a lot of love are the magic ingredients.
4. Take care of it while you watch it grow.
Watch full videoEcological pencil
The pencil capsules are made from cellulose ethers from plant sources. In addition, the pencil is made of reforested wood, which makes it a totally ecological pencil.
Watch full videoHome garden
The Germination Percentage is around 90%, it is important that only the green part is nailed and the earth is soft to guarantee that the seed germinates.
Watch full videoDo you consider its price very high?
We understand you perfectly ...
The point of comparison we have is against companies that produce millions of pencils per month. In our case, Germilapiz are made in an artisanal way by Mexicans of the third age, generating an income. We are trying very hard to reach the volume necessary to lower prices, but at the moment it is the best we can offer.
We ask you to understand us and be encouraged to support the cause.
- Mau.
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